So, let's try again...
I'm attempting to avoid an exercise in futility by keeping a promise to myself to write here a couple of times a week, at least. My biggest concern is that there will be a lack of interest. But, that's for you to decide. So, here goes.
I have stories to tell of earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, countries visited, research finds, travel in general, and so many other things. I also have general thoughts about general things, of which this is an example.
Today's post will be short in an attempt to get used to this. I am not comfortable with publicly sharing my writings. But, as the former Treasurer and co-President of Romance Writers of America, San Diego Chapter, I should get my act together.
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts about what I should share...mostly from those who know me. Also, any comments (be kind with the negative ones...someone always has a few) that will help make this a blog worth reading.
So.........wish me luck.